
The Dirt: City of Elko OHV Streets



Streets approved or prohibited for Off-Highway Vehicle use per City Ordinance.

Per City Ordinance No. 844, Off-highway vehicles are allowed on all city streets except for the following: Mountain City Highway (SR 225) from Spruce Road to Aspen Way; Cedar Street from 5th Street to 13th Street; and the 9th Street Pedestrian Bridge.

Some key provisions include:

  • A person operating an off-highway vehicle on a highway/road must be at least 16 years old and possess a valid driver’s license.
  • The operator of and any occupant in the off-highway vehicle must wear a helmet.
  • Many off-highway vehicles and all large all-terrain vehicles operated on highways/roads must be registered, and all large all-terrain vehicles operated on highways/roads must be insured.
  • All traffic laws must be obeyed - Speed Limits will be enforced!


Multiple streets within the City of Elko off of US Interstate 80 in Elko County, Nevada, are useable by OHV within certain restrictions. See included maps, websites, and Rules of the Road for important information on specific permitted and prohibited areas.

Rules of the Road

Land Manager: City of Elko

1751 College Avenue

 Elko, Nevada 89801

(775) 777-7100

Please visit the city’s OHV website for complete information and regulations.


  • Off-highway vehicles can travel on city streets for the sole purpose of reaching a private or public area that is open for use by off-highway vehicles.
  • A person operating an off-highway vehicle on these streets must be at least 16 years old and possess a valid driver’s license.
  • The operator of and any occupant in the off-highway vehicle must wear a helmet.
  • All traffic laws must be obeyed, including speed limits.
  • The off-highway vehicle cannot be left running unattended.
  • Off-highway vehicle use on sidewalks is prohibited.
  • It is unlawful for any person operating an off-highway vehicle to make any unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise.
  • Many off-highway vehicles and all large all-terrain vehicles operated on streets must be registered and insured. You can register your vehicle at any local dealership.
  • Vehicles must posses the following:
    • At least one headlamp that illuminates objects at least 500 feet ahead of the vehicle.
    • At least one tail lamp visible from 500 feet behind the vehicle.
    • At least one red reflector on the rear of the vehicle, unless the tail lamp is red and reflective.
    • A stop lamp on the rear of the vehicle.
    • A muffler which is in working order.

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